Who is this man? An artist, engineer, biker, scubadiver, sailor or mega musician?

Hi I am Zoran,

Thanks for visiting my website and the gallery.  I am grateful for the opportunity to share with you few things about myself.

Everything I believe and everything that I am erupts from my art.  I am an artist, engineer, musician, and an eternal student of life. 

I was born in the hilly Balkans in a country that is no longer on the geopolitical maps.  Unlike today, back then the world was more polarized at the very top-top and less at the bottom.

Caricature by Zoran Nikolic Showing World Situation and Situation in Yugoslavia During Cold War

The sketch above in the lower right corner shows the street and the building where I grew up. In the lower left corner I drew myself as a baby with my parents. I cry for paper and pencil to sketch my impressions from the first nine months of my life.

Art has been a large part of my world for as long as I can remember.  Even as a child, I experienced art as whirlpool of vibrations that emerge from colors and lines and captivate and resonate with the mind and heart.  I still feel art that way and I am fascinated how it affects and touches our lives.

Caricature by Zoran Nikolic Showing how I got illuminated by Art

Art and painting have always fascinated me, but not only through admiring the works of old masters.  Ever since I know for myself, I feel the need to express myself through drawings, paintings and sculptures.  I feel the need to convey to the viewer the emotions I feel as I observe the scene I am painting.  I don't paint what I see with my eyes, I let my emotions and mind play with color, and through lines and palette I express feelings that come out of my heart.


I am not tied to a particular medium or style. I like to experiment with new techniques and try new things.  I used to make extra money by drawing cartoons and I still enjoy watching people's reactions when they see the caricature on which they are represented.

I find inspiration in people and the objects around me and in the places where I live or have lived. 

I see things that others usually miss.

Caricature by Zoran Nikolic - Self Portrait as a painter


As a child, I spent summers on the shores of the Adriatic and the Aegean Sea.  This is where my fascination with the Mediterranean comes from.  A small cove, a boat or a shell have always been an inexhaustible source of inspiration for me.  Sailing the Adriatic, Caribbean and the Gulf and scuba diving only intensified my love for seascapes.  I try to translate through color in my paintings the good vibrations I experience when observing nature. 

Caricature by Zoran Nikolic - Self portrait as scuba diver and sailor


I am an electrical engineer with a PhD in Biomedical Engineering and by my nature I like to understand how things work.  Many times I turned complex problems into simple, beautiful and intuitive solutions.  I see  beauty in the strangest places like mathematical equation, engineering idea, clever concept or design.  It is the challenge of the entire creative process that interests me the most.


Caricature by Zoran Nikolic -self portrait as engineer biker musician

My love for art doesn't end with paintings.  I love music and sometimes I have nothing better to do than playing piano. I started learning around 10 yrs old, and have never stopped...


I live with my family in a suburb of Houston and use a motorcycle as main means of my transportation.


I believe..

  • Imperfection is source of beauty.  Perfection is boring. Journey to perfect is what interests me not destination.
  • People need to encourage and support one another no matter what.
  • Dreams rarely come true if you do not work on them while you are awake
  • Decision you make today will determine your future.
  • In lifelong learning
  • Most of us live in our own worlds and rarely leave them, unaware that life elsewhere works in a completely different way,

This site is my gallery.  Please browse and you'll find few things on sale.  Each piece is only available in a limited number of copies.  I believe that I am original and unique and I want my art to be the same.

I wish you you Health, Love and Happiness Always.

-Zoran Nikolic

Caricature by Zoran Nikolic -laughing stages